Sometimes it takes more than a hand wash and dry to have a spotless car. In fact, many people happen to disregard those tough water spots on their car windows and windshield. Even if you're using generic Windex, it can be difficult at times to ensure that no streaks or dust is left astray. To get a spotless look, we recommend you try using a DIY cleaning solution. Ditching the commercial cleaner products and concocting your window cleaner is a lot easier and more effective than you think. You'll be happy to see your windows and windshield streak-free!
DIY Glass Cleaner Recipe
- 1 empty spray bottle
- 1 cup distilled water
- 1 cup isopropyl alcohol
- 2 tbsp distilled white vinegar
Beginning with your empty plastic spray bottle, add in the cup of distilled water. Then combine with one cup rubbing alcohol and two tablespoons of distilled white vinegar. Once everything is in the bottle, please give it a good shake to mix the solution up. That's it - super easy, right?
Now, you've got your hands on your custom window cleaning solution. Next, you'll need to perfect the application process. One of the biggest takeaways we can offer is to avoid using any kind of squeegee or paper towels to wipe your glass surfaces. Instead, we recommend using a lint-free microfiber cloth. It is also better to apply the solution on the fabric rather than spraying directly onto the surface. You should go about it in circular motions to get the best results.
Following these simple steps will give your car windshield and windows a crystal-clear finish each time. It's super straightforward enough that just about anyone could do it. Give this DIY recipe a try, and let us know if it works for you! Please do not hesitate to give University Chevron a call or visit for auto glass repairs or services.