Posted on 5/26/2022

It's about to be summertime, and that means many drivers will be out and about more often. Whether you are planning a summer road trip, running errands on the weekends, or spending your evenings out, you're going to need a reliable car to take you places. Therefore, it's time to think about your automobile and the kinds of maintenance it might need this season. Here are some crucial tips to ensure you are driving safely throughout the summer: Beat the heat with cooling system maintenance. Your car's cooling system is critical to keeping your summer driving cool and smooth. Your engine needs a clean flow of coolant to prevent it from overheating. Cool down with air conditioning maintenance. It's not actually summer if you aren't cranking up the car A/C. We advise that you make sure of your air conditioning by getting a freon recharge. Plus, our technicians can inspect the system for any worn or damaged components. Change to summer tread. All-Wea ... read more